
Chapter 1: What is the truth about God?

Fri, 15/01/2010 - 10:00 -- James Oakley

This post is part of a series of posts summarising chapters of the Jehovah Witnesses' booklet, "What does the Bible really Teach?", and seeking to evaluate those chapters against Scripture somewhat briefly. Those posts were introduced at the Introduction, and a contents page will be added to that entry once this run of posts has finished.

Chapter 1: What is the truth about God?

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Studying the Word of God

Thu, 22/10/2009 - 10:45 -- James Oakley

Wayne Grudem is very helpful in his Systematic Theology on what we mean when we refer to "the word of God".

He points out on pages 47-48 that "the word of God" can refer, in Scripture, to the Son of God, Jesus Christ. It can also refer to God's speech in 4 forms: 1. His decrees; 2. His words of personal address; 3. His speech through human lips, and 4. His words in written form, for us the Bible.

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Objections to Preterism

Wed, 03/06/2009 - 13:57 -- James Oakley

Steve's Jeffery charts a helpful course through the most common objections to preterism.

So, if you don't know what preterism is, or if you're unsure as to whether there's something inherently dodgy in that view known as preterism, or if you have friends who are in one of those boats, I would recommend reading his post.

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Not all equally heinous

Thu, 21/08/2008 - 17:31 -- James Oakley

God is just. He punishes every sin exactly as it deserves. Not every sin is equally heinous, so not every judgement at the judgement day will be the same. God is just. And that is a wonderful truth.

There are lots of places in Scripture we could go to see this, but I've just found one I hadn't seen before, so I thought I'd share it.

And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34)

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Hymn: Prevenient Grace

Mon, 18/08/2008 - 11:50 -- James Oakley

I love discovering new hymns.

Like this one by Josiah Conder, entitled My Lord, I did not choose you.

My Lord, I did not choose you,
for that could never be;
this heart would still refuse you
had you not chosen me:
you took the sin that stained me.
you cleansed and made me new;
for you of old ordained me
that I should live to you.

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