Kettle Review: Ninja KT201UK
Back in June 2018, I wrote a review on this website for a kettle by AEG: The EWA7800-U 7 Series kettle, to be exact.
Back in June 2018, I wrote a review on this website for a kettle by AEG: The EWA7800-U 7 Series kettle, to be exact.
The Moka Pot is a traditional Italian tool for preparing coffee. Many people have them, but no longer use them, thinking they prepare coffee with an unpleasantly strong, bitter taste. Brewed correctly, they're fantastic. Here's a guide to how they work, and loads of tips to get the best out of your stove-top brewer.
The past two summers, as the weather has warmed, I've posted recipes for Iced Coffee (2017) and Cold Brew Coffee (2018).
I thought this year, it was time for iced tea.
Two preliminary comments:
1. I've tagged this post under "Coffee". Yes, I know. I hardly ever make posts about tea, and if I start doing so I'll create a new category and retag the post. For the time being, it's the closest category.
In hot weather, sometimes an iced coffee can be just the thing. Here's my recipe (makes about a pint / 550ml).
Needless to say, as with all things coffee, GIGO. Garbage in, garbage out. That's to say: Start with good quality coffee beans. I'd recommend something medium-light roasted. If you roasted yourself, dump no later than the very beginnings of second crack. If you've bought the beans roasted, go for freshly roasted ones without oils showing.
I've recommended to several of my friends that they try the subscription service over at Has Bean Coffee. It's called In My Mug, and you can order to receive a different coffee every time - either weekly, fortnightly or monthly, over either a month, quarter, half-year or full year. The coffees are very different from one another, and are all absolutely first class (even if you prefer some to others), as you'd expect from HasBean and Stephen Leighton.
I love the idea that we can buy produce here that makes a real difference to the people who make it.
Photo: Scot NelsonA little exchange on Facebook last week made me think it was time to write a basic guide to the two most common types of coffee. This will be very familiar ground to any readers with a keen interest in coffee, but may be new ground for some.
There are three species of the Coffea genus - three kinds of coffee plant that cannot be interbred. Only two are grown commercially.
The good quality coffee plant is Coffea Arabica, and accounts for about 80% of the world's coffee production. There are a number of varietals within this one species. Most of the time, you get red ripe cherries to pick, inside each of which are two flat seeds. This is the coffee that has the best taste, although the quality of what is grown varies enormously. Please don't make the mistake that some branding and marketing executives want you to make - if it says Arabica on the packet it must be good. The preparation, roast and subsequent
Two of the people from Has Bean Coffee have produced a free e-book on how to brew espresso, and how to tune that process until you are getting the exact drink you want.
When this was first written, it was only available to those who had an iOS device - which was not me.
However they've just turned it into a 23-page PDF document, which means the rest of us can now read it too.
So go read their book called Espresso Training.
Today, I'd like to introduce you to cascara.
It's not a kind of make-up.
It's not a sequence of waterfalls.
It's a byproduct of the coffee producing process, which most people in these shores haven't heard of. Yet in the coffee producing regions it is turned into a drink in its own right.
Meet: Cascara
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