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Handwritten sermon notes

 —  James Oakley

What notes do you preach from?

It's a question young, aspiring preachers often ask of those who have been preaching for longer. That's because people want to know the "right" answer to that question. In particular, people often ask: Do you preach from a full script, or from notes?

No right answer

There is no right answer, because it will vary according to your personality, context, and the kind of talk or sermon you're delivering.

In every sermon, you're wanting to aim at two things.

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How to: Set up MinIO with apache2 reverse proxy

 —  James Oakley

"MinIO is a high-performance, S3 compatible object store." So says their homepage.

In brief, it's a self-hosted suite of tools to let you run your own storage server that is fully compatible with the Amazon S3 standards. They have a free version licenced under GNU ACPL v3, and a commercial supported version with their own licence.

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