James's Weblog

Who does the Spirit "lead into all the truth"?

Mon, 20/06/2016 - 11:48 -- James Oakley

A few weeks ago (Trinity Sunday as it happened - this was the lectionary gospel reading this year), I preached on John 16:12-15. That passage includes this sentence concerning the Spirit:

"But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth."

The question is, who is "you"? Who, exactly, does the Sprit promise to lead into all truth?

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Signing Marriage Certificates

Tue, 31/05/2016 - 11:46 -- James Oakley

A small note for Anglican clergy who read this blog.

Until very recently, when I led the "signing of the marriage registers" after a wedding, here is how I did it: 1. The groom signs 3 copies (the two marriage registers, and what will be their marriage certificate). 2. The bride signs 3 copies. 3. Witness 1, then Witness 2, sign all 3. 4. Lastly I sign both marriage registers, I sign the same box on the marriage certificate, and then I sign the declaration at the bottom of the marriage certificate.

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Please don't miss the miracle

Tue, 24/05/2016 - 12:59 -- James Oakley

In a couple of week's time, the Lectionary gospel reading will be Luke 7:11-17:

Soon afterwards, Jesus went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went along with him. As he approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out – the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her. When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, ‘Don’t cry.’

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What's wrong with the world and how do we fix it?

Fri, 18/12/2015 - 16:53 -- James Oakley

My friend Neil Robbie, vicar of Holy Trinity West Bromwich, has written an advent lament, called "Broken". He takes a long hard look at modern Britain, that is both informed and compassionate, and asks the question: "What has gone wrong?", but also "What is the way back?" and "How do we fix it?"

I thought his analysis of the issues was spot on, and that his poetry is profoundly moving. So, with Neil's permission, I reproduce it here:

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Opportunity for limited-time Coffee Subscription

Fri, 18/12/2015 - 09:19 -- James Oakley

I've recommended to several of my friends that they try the subscription service over at Has Bean Coffee. It's called In My Mug, and you can order to receive a different coffee every time - either weekly, fortnightly or monthly, over either a month, quarter, half-year or full year. The coffees are very different from one another, and are all absolutely first class (even if you prefer some to others), as you'd expect from HasBean and Stephen Leighton.

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For Drupal 8, use Drush 8

Sun, 11/10/2015 - 21:45 -- James Oakley

Last week, to appropriate fanfares, Drupal 8 reached Release Candidate stage. That means Drupal 8 tagged releases now have an upgrade path between them, and it also means (very nearly) complete API / hook stability - which means this is the cue for some serious testing and development of contrib themes and modules.

However I made one schoolboy error: I was still using Drush 7.

It's actually quite an understandable mistake - all you had to do was follow the development of Drupal Next, and Drush, but not quite follow it closely enough.

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