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 —  James Oakley

This post is unlikely to interest any of my regular readers, but I'll post it here for the benefit of those who search for the solution to this exact problem.

  • I used to use the FVD Speed Dial extension for Firefox.
  • Starting with about Firefox 40, this got really slow. It was fine to begin with, but as the browser had been open for hours / days, opening a new tab would take longer and longer.
  • So I looked for an alternative, and wanted to try using Super Start.
  • Not sure if it would do everything I was used to from FVD, I only disabled FVD Speed Dial, so that I could try out Super Start, but easily switch back.
  • Almost everything worked ... except one thing.

There is a setting in Super Start: "Load in blank tab". This is different from loading at browser start-up. With this, if you open a new tab in Firefox, you see your Super Start speed dials. But I couldn't get it to work. I tried every combination of settings possible, but it wouldn't play ball.

So I ... removed FVD Speed Dial entirely (I had a backup of my configuration if I needed one), and restarted Firefox.

Voila! "Load in blank tab" worked.

So, if you're having trouble getting Super Start to "load in blank tab", and you still have a disabled copy of FVD Speed Dial (or, potentially, another alternative extension that sets some kind of homescreen), you have to remove FVD Speed Dial completely.

As I say, if you're reading this in the next few days, it's unlikely this was of any interest for you. But the search engines will pick it up, and if you've come here looking for a solution to the same problem ...: You're most welcome!

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