
Help! I've just been given a HotTop. What do I do?

Fri, 03/05/2013 - 12:07 -- James Oakley

For those who don't know, a Hot Top is a home coffee roaster that operates a bit like a miniature version of the commercial roasters. It roasts in a perforated steel drum that rotates while the air temperature around it ramps up to the right temperature. When the beans are roasted, they are ejected into a cooling tray where ambient air is blown through the beans that are stirred with a paddle. The whole thing takes 20-25 minutes.

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What's happening with Kenyan Coffee

Tue, 12/02/2013 - 13:40 -- James Oakley

Steve Leighton, proprietor of Has Bean Coffee, has been on a trip to Kenya.

Naturally, this is doubly close to my heart, and so it was interesting to read his thoughts on his return.

There's an encouraging twist in there that we can expect some good Kenyan coffees to land in the UK in a few months time as a result of his trip.

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Direct Trade Coffee

Fri, 10/02/2012 - 17:32 -- James Oakley

It's no secret that I'm a big fan of Has Bean Coffee. From time to time, I'm asked about whether their coffees are "fair trade". In this day and age when information is so much more freely available, there's a welcome movement - which Christians have been at the forefront of - to make sure that we shop in ethical ways. The price we pay for goods matters; the way workers are treated matters.

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Hasbean Filter Blend

Fri, 27/01/2012 - 16:13 -- James Oakley

Steve, over at Has Bean Coffee has just launched a new blend.

All of the previous blends, launched 18-12 months ago, were designed for espresso. That's all well and good, but not everybody has an espresso machine or chooses to brew their daily coffee that way.

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Coffee Picking

Wed, 14/07/2010 - 16:39 -- James Oakley

Steve Leighton has a fascinating post about Day 3 of his recent trip to Machacarmarca farm in Bolivia. That was the day he spent picking coffee with the other farm workers, and seeing first-hand how the methods used on this farm result in the quality you get in the cup.

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New roaster on the block

Fri, 10/10/2008 - 11:11 -- James Oakley

Last week, I was contacted by a new micro-roaster, Coffee Bean Shop, asking if I'd be interested in a free sample of some of their beans to try. I didn't have to think long about gift-horses before deciding that wouldn't be a bad idea.

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Final post on my funny kind of shop

Sat, 01/03/2008 - 14:45 -- James Oakley

The first half of the book of Leviticus describes many different kinds of sacrifices and offerings that the people were to make in Old Testament times. It describes circumstances under which they were to be offered. Who was to offer them. Exactly how it had to be done. And so on.

Here are a few quotations.

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Funny kind of shop part 2

Fri, 29/02/2008 - 14:45 -- James Oakley

Before you read this post, see my post yesterday about a funny coffee shop you could imagine me running…

“What conclusions would you draw, if you saw such a price label, about my intentions in selling this particular coffee?”

Let me suggest a few.

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