James's Weblog

Anglican Fissure - A Tale of Three Loves

Fri, 11/12/2020 - 14:43 -- James Oakley
Bishop Bill Love

In 1960, C S Lewis published a book entitled The Four Loves. It has become a classic. He explains that there are four different Greek words for our English word "love", and they have different meanings. There is the bond of love within a family, the love of friendship, erotic love, and charity. This latter, translating the Greek word agape (ἀγαπη), is the love of God, and the pinnacle of Christian virtue, the love that sums up God's requirements.

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Intel Driver and Support Assistant Download location

Mon, 16/11/2020 - 10:54 -- James Oakley
Intel Logo

This is one of those technology blog posts to solve a specific problem. It's unlikely to concern my regular readers, but in time it will be picked up by search engines and ask a question I was asking and in which I'm almost certainly not alone.

Intel Driver & Support Assistant

Intel have produced a free piece of software that you can install on a Windows computer called the Intel Driver & Support Assistant.

Bitdefender Review: False Positive Handling

Sun, 08/11/2020 - 09:25 -- James Oakley

The antivirus marketplace for protecting Windows computers is crowded. Go back 15 years, and there were two or three well established players whose products were becoming increasing bloated and slow, and then a handful of new providers that were leaner but with varied effectiveness.

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Love the devil?

Wed, 19/08/2020 - 10:30 -- James Oakley

I was recently asked a great question that made me go away and think awhile.

The question is a simple one: Jesus tells us to love our enemies. The devil is our enemy. So does this mean we should love the devil?

Here's the answer I gave:

That’s a great question. Certainly the devil is called “our enemy” in 1 Peter 5:8.

Let me give several answers, starting with the simplest, getting progressively more involved.

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How to: Shrink image size for OpenStack VM to the storage used

Fri, 17/07/2020 - 10:30 -- James Oakley
How to shrink OpenStack disk space

I have recently solved a problem which may trouble others, so I share the problem and its solution with you here.

The world of the problem: OpenStack on RamNode

There are a number of web hosting providers I'm fond of (having tried many others I'd never touch again). One of those good ones is RamNode. They sell many kinds of hosting products, but I use them when I want low cost virtual private servers that I can rely upon.

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The Trinity 5: The Trinity is Good News

Sun, 05/07/2020 - 11:30 -- James Oakley

This fifth talk draws the threads together, and asks how an orthodox understanding of the Trinity is good news for us. We look at how God's power, God's love, and God being knowable all hinge on God being Triune.

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The Trinity 4: Joining the Family

Sun, 28/06/2020 - 10:30 -- James Oakley

This fourth talk focuses on the work of the Holy Spirit, as he draws us into the fellowship enjoyed by Father and Son, so that God's greatest gift is himself as he shares his inner life with us.

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