
The message of Genesis

Mon, 10/09/2012 - 10:17 -- James Oakley

What's the whole of Genesis about?

Jason Hood, over at the SAET blog, has some very sensible things to say about how the whole book speaks a message that needs to be heard by NT Christians, and what's more speaks it with great clarity:

His full post is not long and is well worth a read:

Here's a small extract to whet the appetite and send you to the full thing:

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Sat, 07/07/2012 - 10:23 -- James Oakley

At the wedding I'm taking in Kemsing this afternoon, the bride and groom have asked to have Ruth 1:16-17 as their Bible reading, and for me to speak briefly on that passage. It's the first time I've been asked to speak on Ruth at a wedding, and it is a very appropriate part of the Bible to hear on such an occasion.

On another occasion, I might share what I'll be saying at their wedding.

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What destroyed Sodom?

Sat, 23/06/2012 - 13:28 -- James Oakley

Waltke again:

Scientifically, the fire and cataclysmic destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah may be explained by an earthquake. Heat, gases, sulphur, and bitumen would have been spewed into the air through the fissures formed during a violent earthquake (14:10). The lightning that frequently accompanies an earthquake would have ignited the gases and bitumen.

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Meet Marcion

Fri, 22/06/2012 - 12:40 -- James Oakley

I've been re-acquainting myself with the second century heretic, Marcion.

In the Lion Handbook: The History of the Christian Church, there is a very helpful short article by H Dermot McDonald that summarises Marcion and his teaching. (You need the 1990 edition of the Lion Handbook - there is a 2009 edition out which I've never seen, but it seems it is a brand new book so won't have this exact portion in).

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Who strikes the Shepherd?

Wed, 20/06/2012 - 12:26 -- James Oakley

In our Christianity Explored group last week, we were discussing Jesus' predictions of Peter's denials, and of his own suffering, death and resurrection, as a prelude to a very good session on Jesus' resurrection.

One of the members of the group asked a question about a detail that I had never noticed before in Mark's text:

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Circumcision and Baptism

Thu, 14/06/2012 - 13:15 -- James Oakley

Reading Bruce Waltke's commentary on Genesis, he has a fine couple of paragraphs on page 264 where he explores how the sign of circumcision relates to baptism today. I agree with nearly everything he says, and it's so helpful that I thought I'd put it here in case it's helpful for some:

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What was wrong with using Hagar?

Wed, 13/06/2012 - 13:12 -- James Oakley

Last Sunday, I explained that Sarai and Abram attempted to solve the problem of their childlessness through Sarai offering her maid, Hagar, to Abram as a second wife.

I said that, even though we find this unacceptable today, in that day and age this was a socially acceptable way to raise an heir.

The problem with doing this was not that it was socially unacceptable but that it did not arise out of their trust in God.

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Genesis 15 follows on from Genesis 14

Tue, 22/05/2012 - 10:32 -- James Oakley

I'm studying Genesis 15, in preparation for this Sunday's sermon.

Yet again Bruce Waltke is very helpful.

Here is one paragraph (from pages 239-240). The details he highlights probably won't make it into the sermon, unless they're crucial to the flow of thought in the chapter. But it's important that we see how the promises God makes Abraham in chapter 15 are precisely those that he needed after the events of chapter 14, redefining his protection, his reward and his allies.

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