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 —  James Oakley

I’m delighted to see James Cary’s post showing what a consistent Calvinist he is.

How do we react when we meet those who hold Arminian views? (Or, indeed, are clearly Christians yet oppose the doctrines we subscribe to in any of a thousand ways).

Is it

  • Some Christians have managed to escape what God wants them to believe, so we get frustrated at the mixed nature of the church


  • The ascended Jesus has purposed that the best way to save the elect is to have many in his church (at this point in history) who are in error when it comes to the doctrine of election.

To be a consistent Calvinist, we have to say the latter. (After all, we are all in error at many, many points). So we don’t flap when we meet Christians who disagree with us, even less panic. Rather we marvel at the sovereignty of Jesus Christ – we are in discussion with his appointed means to accomplish the salvation of the world.

Thanks, Jam. And enjoy the rest of Greenbelt

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Submitted by James Oakley on Mon, 27/08/2007 - 13:52 Permalink

... And rewrite that last sentence to be so.

"Rather we marvel at the soreignty of Jesus Christ - we are in discussion with his appointed means to *_secure universal acceptance of the doctrine of election_*."

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