- Reply to: Net Etiquette 2: Blank Subject Lines16 years 10 months ago…: This is where the genius ofby: rosThis is where the genius of gmail comes in. I never scan down a list of emails, I always search.…
- Reply to: Net Etiquette 5: Fwd: >>Forwarding e-mails16 years 10 months ago…: Very helpful, and well madeby: AnonymousVery helpful, and well made points. I think I'll forward this to all my friends... ;)
- Reply to: The Bishop of Stafford and the Doctrine of the Atonement16 years 11 months ago…: Well, I’m encouraged byby: rosWell, I'm encouraged by that, James. Thanks for the report.
- Reply to: Be encouraged by Gamaliel16 years 11 months ago…: Hello James!by: James OakleySorry to lose you in the argument. But *great* to hear from you!! I'm not alone in the world with…
- Reply to: Be encouraged by Gamaliel16 years 11 months ago…: lost in cyber spaceby: James OakleyJames Just thought seeming as we have the same name I would comment on your blog! I have to confess…
- Reply to: Floods and Climate Change17 years ago…: Not necessarilyby: James OakleyWith a constant climate you would get more rainfall some days than others, and more some years than…
- Reply to: Floods and Climate Change17 years ago…: I don’t totally understandby: AnonymousI don't totally understand that - surely the fact that we had too big spells of rain could be…
- Reply to: Brambles and Gorse17 years ago…: Judges 9:14-15by: PeteDoes it suggest an Abimelech-Pharaoh connection (from one fiery, prickly bush to another?)? Is…
- Reply to: Brambles and Gorse17 years ago…: I think it sheds a lot ofby: rosI think it sheds a lot of light on the theological value of spending time gardening.
- Reply to: David's entry into Jerusalem / Jesus' entry17 years ago…: kinship of leaders?by: Steffen JenkinsHi James, Is there more to be done with this parallel here? The ousted leaders, the Pharisees,…