Christian Life

Postmillenial Hymn of the Day

Thu, 14/02/2008 - 16:08 -- James Oakley

God is working his purpose out,
As year succeeds to year;
God is working His purpose out,
And the time is drawing near;
Nearer and nearer draws the time,
The time that shall surely be,
When the earth shall be filled
With the glory of God,
As the waters cover the sea.

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Golden Calf: Worshipping the wrong God in the right way?

Wed, 13/02/2008 - 15:12 -- James Oakley

Hmm. Not sure.

It’s often been said that the golden calf is a breach of the 2nd commandment, rather than the 1st. That is: It’s not worshipping another God. It’s worshipping the right God in the wrong way – by use of images. In support of this is Aaron’s declaration: Behold, your God who brought you out of the Land of Egypt.

But I wonder.

The contrast between Moses up the mountain and what goes on as the people below get bored is striking.

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Defender of [the] faith?

Tue, 12/02/2008 - 14:41 -- James Oakley

Many will remember the furore when Prince Charles stated, many years back, that he wanted to be not “defender of the [implied, Christian] faith”, but simply “defender of faith”.

Some of the problems of that should be obvious.

Blenheim Palace

Mon, 11/02/2008 - 14:59 -- James Oakley

I had a great afternoon at Blenheim Palace on Saturday, listening to Doug Wilson talk about

  • The gospel and your church
  • The gospel and your family
  • The gospel and your government.
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Assert. Defeat. Destroy.

Mon, 04/02/2008 - 20:16 -- James Oakley

Exodus 7-15, there is a pattern.

Egypt asserts her might as the enemy of God and his people (7-11)
God defeats Egypt (12-13)
God destroys his defeated enemy (14-15)

That’s a pattern that recurs.

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Romans 1: A Fair Exchange

Wed, 16/01/2008 - 15:00 -- James Oakley

Romans 1:18-32: We, the human race, have suppressed the knowledge of God that we all have. We all have it because God has made his existence, deity and power known in his creation. The creation is his conscious handwriting intended to communicate to us. We have done so effectively, such that Paul can say we all knew God. The problem is not ignorance, it is culpable suppression of what we know.

God’s temporal judgement for this is to hand us over to self-harming sin. The human-race is constantly attempting to self-destruct; Romans 1 interprets this as God taking off the reins.

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