Calder High Sleeper Bed: Review and Construction Tips
Having recently bought and built a Calder High Sleeper Bed, I thought I'd leave a brief review here, together with a few tips when it comes to building it.
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Having recently bought and built a Calder High Sleeper Bed, I thought I'd leave a brief review here, together with a few tips when it comes to building it.
Here's a technical problem I encountered a while back.
Someone wrote a blogpost using the Wordpress platform. I wanted to post a comment. I wrote my comment, and entered (as requested) my name and email address.
I then received a message that I have to log into my Wordpress account:
"You are being asked to login because {my email} is used by an account you are not logged into now."
So I enter what I thought was my Wordpress password, and I discover that I have remembered wrongly.