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Fearing and Loving God

Tue, 27/09/2016 - 15:13 -- James Oakley

Sometimes I hear it said that Old Testament ethics can be summed up in the command to fear God, and New Testament ethics can be summed up in the command to love God.

Related, it is sometimes observed that the Old Testament summary of the law is ten sentences that prohibit ("Thou shalt not" - those making this point usually do so quoting the old fashioned way of putting that), whereas the New Testament command is two sentences that are about love ("Love the Lord your God with all …; love your neighbour as yourself".)

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Jesus never said: I am a potato

Tue, 13/09/2016 - 12:25 -- James Oakley

"Mum, why did that man say that Jesus was a potato?" So asked the three-year old girl.

Did I say that? Well, not exactly. But it was something like this:

We were looking, a few weeks back, at John 12:23-33 during our all-age service. Jesus has been approached by some Greeks (who were not Jews) who asked his disciples if they could have the chance to meet Jesus, too. Here's what Jesus said in reply:

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