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Persecuted church in Iran

Thu, 27/01/2011 - 11:34 -- James Oakley

Those wishing to pray for the church in Iran may like to read this recent report that has documented the persecution there since June 2010.

The headline is this: “We know for sure that at least 202 Christians have been arbitrarily arrested in 24 cities in Iran since June 2010. 33 remain in prison today. This has happened against the background of government officials publicly speaking out against Christians.”

The report is available from,-33-still-in-prison.

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Light of the world

Mon, 10/01/2011 - 10:42 -- James Oakley

John 8:12 is a familiar verse. It's one of Jesus' famous "I am" sayings. “I am the light of the world”, or   ̓Εγω εἱμι το φως του κοσμου.

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