The story is told of one Anglican clergyman I had the privilege to meet on a few occasions. Being an ordained minister, from time to time someone who ask him to pray for them. I think the thought was that, because he was ordained, God would hear him. "Say one for me, Father", came the request.
Apparently he used to reply: "Say one yourself, you lazy coot".
I'm not sure quite why the coot gets it in the neck here. I wasn't aware that it was a reputably lazy bird.
Whether the story is true or not, I don't know. I do know that the retort would have been given with a friendly twinkle. What it highlights is that prayer is the privilege of every Christian. We don't need to get our "holier" friends to do it for us.
If you want to know more about how and why this is, you could join us at Kemsing (at 9.15 or 10.30am) or at Woodlands (at 4.30pm).
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