I'm delighted to commend to readers of this blog an upcoming day conference in North London. It is organised by Emmanuel Church in North London, where my friend Steve Jeffery is the minister. One of the things I have always appreciated about Emmanuel is the way they enjoy putting events on that will serve the wider church.
Here's some of the blurb from their website.
It’s a great pleasure to announce the third annual Emmanuel Theology Conference.
Hebrew and the Hebrew Tradition Tools for the Unashamed Workman
Monday 14 November
10:00am to 4:00pm
Southgate, North London
Our speaker this year is Dr Timothy Edwards.
Dr Edwards received an MA in Jewish Civilization from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a DPhil from the University of Oxford. He has taught at Bristol University and at the Oxford Centre for Jewish studies, and is now Managing Editor of the Biblical Hebrew Project at BibleMesh Software.
Most of the Bible is written in Hebrew, a beautiful and strange language reflecting a culture very different from our own. How does this distinctive Hebrew language and culture shape the perspective of Scripture? The conference will consist of four interactive and in-depth sessions exploring this neglected theme.
Knowledge of Hebrew is not required. [That'll be a relief to many!, James]
Cost: individuals £20; couples £25; students £10
More information, including on how to book, on the Emmanuel website.
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