Truth, like so many things we hunt for, is often in the last place you look.
James Cary has started a new blog called The Last Place you Look.
I'll let James tell you his reason for starting it in his own words:
There are lots of books and courses written for people who are interested in the Christian faith - and want to find out more about Jesus. But it wouldn't occur to most people to even read one of those books or go to church, because they're not interested. At all. Christianity isn't even credible to them. Last Place You Look sets out to cheerfully challenge the secular mindset, to stimulate some interest and at least get people to the point where they'll consider turning up to a church or reading a book because maybe, just maybe, there's something in it. Last Place You Look seeks to make the unthinkable at least plausible. I'm not the preacher in the church. I'm not even welcoming people at the door. I'm the guy out in the street handing out flyers.
I'm looking forward to reading regularly, and this new blog has duly been added to the blogroll on this site.
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