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 —  James Oakley

G'day everyone!

Many readers of this blog will already be familiar with the Aussie Christian children's entertainer / singer / song-writer Colin Buchanan. We possess 4 of his CDs in this house, and enjoy them regularly.

Well, Colin's heading over to Blighty to go on tour, so there is a rare opportunity to take the children in your family / church to go and hear him live. (And if you are an adult who wants to go, but doesn't have any children in your church or family, you must know someone to go with, surely - if not, I'd go anyway!)

All the details, together with how to book at each venue, can be found at

The venues and dates are:

  • Dublin 4 June
  • Coleraine 6 June
  • Stirling 7 June
  • Edinburgh 11 June
  • Kendal 13 June
  • Fulwood 14 June
  • Bath 16 June
  • Basingstoke 17 June
  • Isle of Wight 18 June
  • Surrey 20 June
  • Lindfield 21 June
  • Sevenoaks 22 June

I've just written off for some tickets at Sevenoaks, where they want £4.50 each. Quite reasonable, considering the fuel surcharges on long-haul flights and the fact that the worker deserves his keep. Other venues may be priced differently, so look at and get in touch with your local one.

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