Exodus 7-15, there is a pattern.
Egypt asserts her might as the enemy of God and his people (7-11)
God defeats Egypt (12-13)
God destroys his defeated enemy (14-15)
That’s a pattern that recurs.
Babylon asserts her might as the enemy of God and his people (exile)
God defeats Babylon (by Persia)
God destroys Babylon never to rise from the sea (sic.) again (Jeremiah 51)
First century Judaism asserts her might as enemy of God and his people (crucifixion)
God defeats her (resurrection)
God destroys her never to rise again (A.D. 70) [Hmm… No water involved. Why not? It’s fire now…]
Which gives us complete certainty of the end, praise God!
Satan asserts himself as the enemy of God and his people (Genesis 3…)
God defeats the strong man (crucifixion and resurrection)
God will destroy him in the lake (sic.) of burning sulphur (sic.), never to trouble us again.
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