I’m sure you end up making the same resolutions every year.
One that I make frequently is to read more of the Bible. New year is a good time to make that resolution, because if it becomes your aim to read the whole Bible in a year (or two years, or four), then January 1st is as good a day as any to begin.
I highly recommend McCheyne’s Bible reading plan – I blogged on it this time last year. Have a read of that post for some of the pluses and minuses of his Bible reading scheme. Or, if you want, just download the Bible reading plan
It does have some drawbacks. One drawback is that the length of the passage he suggests for any given day can vary quite wildly, so that you can end up with a very long reading one day and a much shorter one the next.
Another drawback is that he gives you 4 passages per day. Personally, I’d rather read only two passages (one from the OT, one from the NT), and have them slightly longer. I could get around this with McCheyne’s scheme, by reading two day’s worth at a time from just two of his channels, but combine that with the other drawback and you potentially end up with some very long passages. (So, for example, one day’s reading is Luke 22, another is Luke 23. Put them together you end up with the whole of Luke 22-23, a much longer than average reading).
One big advantage of using McCheyne is that lots of people use it, so you are all reading the same passages every day. Nice – gives you something to talk about. So to branch off on your own loses that advantage. But still…
I have written some software that will draw up any Bible reading scheme you ask it to. It’s pretty crude, and at some point I’ll try and upload the software here in case anyone wants to play with it. [Edit: Now made less crude, and available for download] Basically, it will devise a scheme for you to read the Bible books you ask for, over the number of days you ask for. It tries to balance out the fact that it’s good to read similar length portions each day, with the fact that it’s nice when you start and stop in sensible places.
In case anyone wants to try a different scheme, here is what it came up with when you ask it for a scheme to read the Bible in 300 days, covering the OT once and the NT + Psalms twice in that time. Either download a printable version of it or you can find it below
New Testament and Psalms
Old Testament (First half)
Old Testament (Second half)
table Lk 3:23-4:44 td
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