Following on from the post from two days ago, another resolution I find myself making frequently is to pray more widely. It’s all too easy for one’s prayer life to become focussed in on fewer and fewer concerns, at least that is what I find.
I still know of no better resource to help me with this than Operation World. The year is divided up between the countries of the world, so that each country has a day on which it is prayed for. Large countries, or those with complicated concerns, are given more than one day.
There are two ways to use Operation World to help you pray for the countries of our world.
The first is to buy the book. Nearly 800 pages worth of information. The link to the book on Amazon UK is here (just click on the graphic below):
The second is to go to the OW website. There is a Pray Today page on there, which gives you a cut-down version of the prayer needs for today’s date. You can only access the day in question, although sometimes they also make countries that are in the news available as well. (I use the Opera web-browser, and for some reason that link doesn’t work on Opera. Grr! But it does work on IE and Firefox so most people will have a way to access the page).
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