Climate is a really, really complex thing

Fri, 27/07/2007 - 10:28 -- James Oakley

So thank God that he understands and controls the movement of every molecule of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapour.

I love the humility from Darren Bett when he says

While we have lots of rain it has not been from solely local storms. It has been down to the jet stream and areas of low pressure. We are not sure why the jet stream is not over Iceland. We have been scratching our heads. Far cleverer people than me do not really know why it’s here. It may be just one of those things.

So go on Darren, is it all about global warming? I know you can’t tell us in detail why we’ve had the precise conditions we’ve had, but how about the big picture.

Everyone asks ‘is it down to global warming?’ but we can’t talk about events in isolation. In a warming world we would expect summers to be hotter and drier but with more extreme rainfall events. They would be down to storms triggered by higher temperatures. We haven’t really had that. It’s been down to the jet stream. The mechanisms at play don’t seem quite right for it to be global warming. We have not seen anything to suggest the position of the jet stream is down to global warming.

God knows what it’s down to though. Thank God for Genesis 1, Genesis 3, Genesis 6, Genesis 9, 1 Kings 17-18, Luke 4.26, James 5.17 and Revelation 21-22!

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