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 —  James Oakley

It’s nearly New Year’s day, so time for a post or several on reading through the whole Bible. Since I was introduced to it, back in 1995, I have been a big fan of Robert Murray McCheyne’s Bible reading plan.

He devised it to help his flock spend less time deciding which portions of Scripture to read, and more time reading Scripture. (Sounds like he would be better at revising for exams than most of us!) He saw the value of a whole church reading through the whole Bible each year, and reading it through in the same pattern. Yes, there are dangers of such a scheme, but for those able to avoid the dangers, it offers an excellent discipline.

I haven’t used it every year since 1996. In fact, in recent times, I’ve decided I prefer a different approach (see a possible later post). But I remain a fan of it.

For those who haven’t met the scheme before: There are 4 chapters of Scripture to read each day. You could do 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. You could do 2 with the family and 2 on your own. You could read all 4 at once. However you do it: You end up reading the Old Testament once, and the New Testament and Psalms twice. If you prefer, you could spend two or four years reading the whole Bible, reading just 2 or 1 chapters daily respectively.

Enough preamble. For those who want a copy, feel free to download Robert Murray McCheyne’s Bible Reading Plan.

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