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Edible Words was a website that was live for about 3 years.

The intention was to create an online resource for busy pastors. The presupposition was that it is a good idea to offer a short meditation before celebrating baptism or the Lord’s supper. The presupposition was also that such are time consuming to prepare. The presupposition was furthermore that a lot of us who would want to do this are inexperienced at doing so, and need to hone our skills. So – a site where we can share these with one another, and offer mutual critique in the process. That, was Edible Words.

Neil Robbie and I got the site up and running. It included some fine articles on the the relationship between Word and Sacrament. It included a section a number of people had posted meditations on specific passages, usually designed to link into the Lord's Supper.

After about 3 years, it seemed to Neil and I that Edible Words had run its course. People were no longer posting new meditations. It served a very useful purpose, not least in helping Neil and I to refine our theology of word and sacrament, thinking that has benefits in the ministry each of us is now engaged in. If, in the future, there is a clamour of demand to resurrect a site like Edible Words, it can come back — I've still got all the website code. For the time being, the need to reduce the site-maintenance time to zero is more pressing, and the site has been taken offline.

Thanks to those who contributed, and who gave us feedback on how to improve the site. May everyone who posted or read the material on Edible Words continue to feed on Christ in their hearts, by faith, with thanksgiving.