Monthly Archives

Do it your way

Mon, 12/07/2021 - 10:14 -- James Oakley

Each quarter for the past 12 years, I've written a one-page article at the front of The Well, the magazine our church produces for the whole village community and distributes free of charge to every household.

Here is the "vicar's letter" from the most recent Summer 2021 edition.

Dear Friends

“And now the end is near, so I face the final curtain.” So begins one of Elvis’s most well-known songs, “My Way”.

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Does Jesus contradict himself in giving differing guidance

Sat, 10/07/2021 - 10:27 -- James Oakley

A few days ago, I posted the transcript and a link to the video of my presentation, explaining my reasons for leaving the Church of England, and for moving to join Trinity Church Scarborough as their Associate Minister.

That presentation was given on a Wednesday evening to our church family, having told them the Sunday before that I would be leaving. In that briefer leaving announcement, I said (pithily) that Jesus was my boss, and loyalty to him meant I had to move.

Tasty Brew: Moka Pot

Tue, 06/07/2021 - 08:30 -- James Oakley

The Moka Pot is a traditional Italian tool for preparing coffee. Many people have them, but no longer use them, thinking they prepare coffee with an unpleasantly strong, bitter taste. Brewed correctly, they're fantastic. Here's a guide to how they work, and loads of tips to get the best out of your stove-top brewer.

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