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A Biblical Theology of Hand Washing

Sun, 10/05/2020 - 14:26 -- James Oakley

All of our church services are currently online-only, due to Covid-19.

This morning, rather than preaching on a single passage, I did a topical sermon, unpacking a biblical theology of hand washing.

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Edit IPN settings on a standard PayPal account

Mon, 04/05/2020 - 10:30 -- James Oakley

Another "note to self" post.

PayPal have changed things so that you need a business account to set up an "IPN" notification endpoint. In their own words:

Instant Payment Notification (IPN) is a PayPal feature that sends messages about payments (and other transactional events) directly from PayPal to your website(s)' back-end systems.

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